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Networks - Fields, Forms, Semantics - Netzwerke – Felder, Formen, Semantiken
Basic concepts of sociology
As structures of social systems, networks play an important role in their interaction with their environment. They are part of a hierarchical architecture of complexity. The seminar discusses and tests the corresponding concepts of system, hierarchy and network following texts by Herbert A. Simon, Talcott Parsons, Niklas Luhmann and Harrison C. White. George Spencer-Brown's formal calculus is used to test a uniform modeling approach. A possible guiding hypothesis for the discussion in the seminar is the fundamental (?) incongruence of fields on the one hand and semantics on the other hand of networking. The fields network faster and more chaotically than the semantics. - Impulse presentations by the students introduce the texts and case studies deepen the knowledge of the texts.
Learning objectives
Understanding the interplay of systems, hierarchies and networks in society
Literature for introduction: Malte Doehne, Daniel A. McFarland and James Moody, Network Ecology: Introduction to the Special Issue, in: Social Networks 77 (2024), pp. 1-4.
the seminar requires reading of the texts, which are prepared for discussion by students through impulse presentations, discussed and tested using a case study
First additional field
Literature and plan:
27.01.2025: Herbert A. Simon, The Architecture of Complexity, in: The Sciences of the Artificial, 2nd ed., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981, 192-229 (3rd ed., 1996, pp. 183-216). Impulse & discussion: NN; exercise
28.01.2025: Talcott Parsons, Some Problems of General Theory in Sociology, in: ders, Social Systems and the Evolution of Action Theory, New York: Free Press, 1977, pp. 229-269. impulse & discussion: NN; exercise
29.01.2025: Niklas Luhmann, Soziale Systeme: Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984, Ch. 6: Interpenetration. Impulse & discussion: NN; exercise
30.01.2025: Harrison C. White, Identity and Control: How Social Formations Emerge, 2nd ed., Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008, Chapter One: Identities Seek Control. Impulse & Discussion: NN; Exercise
Next events
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1/4 | Block course | Mo, 27.01.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 18:00 Uhr | 2.03 | Forum |
2/4 | Block course | Tu, 28.01.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 18:00 Uhr | 2.03 | Forum |
3/4 | Block course | We, 29.01.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 18:00 Uhr | 2.03 | Forum |
4/4 | Block course | Th, 30.01.2025 | 10:00 Uhr | 18:00 Uhr | 2.03 | Forum |
Course details
Offer code | 124073 |
Version | 1 Erstversion_FS 23 |
Credits / ECTS | 6 |
WSH | 3 |
Frequence | Every Springsemester |