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Current Issues II : Migration, Integration & Cultural Diversity - Ausgewählte Themen II: Migration, Integration & Cultural Diversity


There are no prerequisites for this course.


Mass immigration, particularly the question of how to control immigration, has been high on the European agenda for at least the past 20 years. The issue is often framed as a cause of anxiety; culturally, politically, and economically in Europe. International migration shows no signs of slowing down so the causes and consequences of immigration will be a critical topic for the 21st century. In 2021, 22,3 million people had a migrant background, representing %28,7 of the population in Germany and 42% of children under five come from a migrant background. The course sketches contemporary trends and dynamics of migration in Europe and Germany. In the meantime, questions related to immigrant integration, transnationalism and cultural diversity are coming to the fore and they demand a through revision of the immigration policy thinking. New patterns of circular, transit and return migration in Europe provide a set of challenges for integration policies. Therefore, we look at migration and memory processes in a continuum including the way these real and virtual flows of people and ideas reshape the sense of belonging across several generations. The course focuses on how immigrants become incorporated into the receiving society, including the examination of dynamics of migration and integration. Moreover, this course examines the role of migrant networks in both the sending and receiving countries. Theories on migration and integration, migration policies in the EU, transnationalism, new challenges of integrating migrants in Germany, integration of female migrants, educational attainment of migrant children, transculturalism, cultural diversity, developing multicultural competence, European Refugee crises are the main topics of the course. Students are expected to engage thoughtfully, critically, and self reflexively with course readings. This course values free and respectful exchange of ideas. The majority of classroom time will be spent discussing our readings. This class will be facilitated as a seminar and students are expected to take co-responsibility for creating a collective, cooperative learning environment. We will also use classroom time to engage students with popular media, academic blogs, and/or short documentary films in order to deepen our understanding of the issues in the assigned readings.

Learning objectives

- Gain the theoretical and empirical tools to analyse the key developments and political processes pertinent to contemporary transnational migration and integration - Appreciate the complexities of transnational migration and its impact on contemporary social and cultural life, national and international policies, governmental and non-governmental responses - Describe and contrast the range of immigration and integration policies in the EU and identify and draw policy lessons from their impact on admissions patterns and integration outcomes - Critically analyse the ways in which international migration shapes and is shaped by different understandings of citizenship and belonging - Understand the current debates and questions about where “Home” is and what it in/excludes - Explain the potential limits of theory through the various case studies provided - Develop skills in critical analysis and writing related to integration and transnationalism - Enhanced individual and group analytic and problem-solving skills - Develop public speaking skill - Enjoy the course

Next events

1/11 Lecture Th, 06.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
2/11 Lecture Th, 13.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
3/11 Lecture Th, 20.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
4/11 Lecture Th, 27.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
5/11 Lecture Th, 06.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
6/11 Lecture Th, 20.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
7/11 Lecture Th, 27.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
8/11 Lecture Th, 03.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
9/11 Lecture Th, 10.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
10/11 Lecture Th, 24.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
11/11 Lecture Th, 08.05.2025 13:30 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 1.08 | Aquarium
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Course details

Offer code 124402
Version 1 Erstversion A5_FS24
Credits / ECTS 6
Frequence Every term


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Associate Professor Dr. Defne Erzene-Bürgin