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Caution! At the moment only the course catalog for the spring termn 2025 ist displayed. Other semesters can be chosen via the filters but the course catalogs are incomplete. This is due to a change of the campus management system. Older course catalogs will be linked here as soon as possible. If you urgently need an older course description in the meantime, please contact

Cultural Organization


How do cultural organizations function and what socio-political relevance do they have? What are the limitations of institutional action in practice? And what strategies do artists and cultural activists pursue in cooperating with cultural organisations or deliberately not? In the first part of the seminar, we will focus on the foundations of cultural organisation as well as cultural policy planning and management processes. Students acquire an understanding of the definitions, goals, strategies and instruments of cultural organisation (e.g. models, processes, formats, audiences, value chains, funding) and thus acquire valuable skills in the field of cultural management. In the second part of the seminar we will examine the agenda, modes of operation, instruments and projects in the context of international cultural cooperation using the example of the Goethe-Institut and Germany's foreign cultural and educational policy. Additionally, we will focus on the case study of the exhibition “Yalla. Arab-Jewish Encounters” in Hohenems (Austria) and analyse the roles of cultural exchange through artist biographies, exhibition pieces, language and history during a one-day excursion.

Learning objectives

Critical understanding of cultural organizations and their working methods (e.g. structures, policies, programming, audiences, socio-political agendas, artistic activism,…), Knowledge of foreign cultural and educational policy, Analysis of case studies




Examination: Term paper (15 pages), Deadline: 15.07.25

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1/11 Lecture Th, 06.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
2/11 Lecture Th, 13.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
3/11 Lecture Th, 20.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
4/11 Lecture Th, 27.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
5/11 Lecture Th, 06.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
6/11 Lecture Fr, 07.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
7/11 Lecture Th, 20.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
8/11 Lecture Th, 27.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
9/11 Lecture Th, 03.04.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
10/11 Lecture Th, 24.04.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
11/11 Lecture Th, 08.05.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.02 | Forum
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Course details

Offer code 241130
Version 1 Erstversion_FS24
Credits / ECTS 6
Frequence Every term


lecturer image
Jun. Prof. Dr. Meike Lettau