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Lecture Series: Current Issues in Arts and Culture - Ringvorlesung zu aktuellen kunst- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Themen
No previous knowledge is necessary to attend the lecture series.
#nofilter – Lecture Series Spring 2025 The RVL takes the hashtag #nofilter, which is as inconspicuous as it is often used (not only) in social media such as Instagram, as an opportunity for a general questioning of the present. The initial observation or working hypothesis is that unmediatedness, lack of distance, authenticity (mania) are not only meaningful, but also a sign of our time, and not only in the field of (visual) culture, i.e. from populist reality TV to elitist autofiction. Social phenomena or the political sphere are also characterized by the dangers associated with the - whether conscious or unconscious - glorification of immediacy of an increasing refusal of objectifying argumentation or representation and instead alleged evidence of subjective impressions, one's own feelings or personal perception of the world. Or as Anna Kornbluh recently analyzed the transition to unfiltered immediacy as a new cultural style: “Immediacy as self-substantiation metabolizes many flights of late-twentieth-century theory: authentications of situated knowing, elevations of personal experience, suspicions of grand narratives, transpositions of politics into ethos, and promotion of autoethnography across the disciplines. At the same time, this metabolic process should not be received as an organic trajectory endogenous to theory, since it is so overdetermined by the crush in parallel domains: in literature (autofiction, #OwnVoices, self-help, university writing pedagogy); in the “speak your truth” industrial complex (personal branding, confessionalism).” In the RVL, the widest possible range of phenomena will be examined: from (young) artists who can no longer do anything other than constantly communicate their own person and state of mind (or literati who can no longer do anything other than communicate their own person and state of mind): (young) artists who can only tell stories in the first person or in a lyrical setting); political conflicts in which divergent world views collide abruptly and cannot be communicated or mediated, or changes in the scientific or academic field that have given rise to phenomena such as auto-theory, a para-academic genre tailor-made for a narcissistic or simply selfie-obsessive Generation Me in or on the margins of the dwindling professional stability of the humanities.
Learning objectives
To obtain ETCS, it is mandatory to pass the final exam that is part of the lecture series.
If necessary, content will be made available via the ilias content management system.
The lecture series is accompanied by a tutorial that follows up on the contents of the individual sessions.
Next events
1/11 | Lecture | Tu, 04.02.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
2/11 | Lecture | Tu, 11.02.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
3/11 | Lecture | Tu, 25.02.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
4/11 | Lecture | Tu, 04.03.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
5/11 | Lecture | Tu, 11.03.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
6/11 | Lecture | Tu, 18.03.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
7/11 | Lecture | Tu, 25.03.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
8/11 | Lecture | Tu, 01.04.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
9/11 | Lecture | Tu, 08.04.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
10/11 | Lecture | Tu, 29.04.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
11/11 | Lecture | Tu, 06.05.2025 | 19:15 Uhr | 21:00 Uhr | 1.09 | Blackbox |
Course details
Offer code | 121201 |
Version | 4 Neuversionierung_ab Fall2022_E |
Credits / ECTS | 6 |
WSH | 3 |
Frequence | Every Springsemester |