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Aesthetics & Art Theory - Ästhetik & Kunsttheorie




Semester topic ‘Kitsch’ The concept of ‘kitsch’ and its theorisation seems to belong to a past in which aesthetics was still exclusively concerned with the ‘beautiful’ and art theory was primarily concerned with the ‘fine arts’. As a morally connoted and disqualifying term of demarcation, intended to separate for example avant-garde from merely ‘academic’ art (Greenberg), ‘kitsch’ is hardly suitable today, since (formerly as such labeled) kitsch elements have migrated into modern and contemporary art itself and are used affirmatively in art under the sign of anti-intellectualist provocation, ‘new simplicity’, existentialist life-as-artwork-everydayness or politically committed common-sense realism. The seminar attempts to reconstruct the debates surrounding the definition, evaluation and theoretical capacity of ‘kitsch’ both historically and sociologically as well as aesthetically and philosophically; Kitsch (and kitsch-like) phenomena in all the arts (literature, visual arts, architecture, film, music) should serve as case studies to be critically discussed and also contributed by the students; it should also be taken into account that kitsch occurs not only on the object side, but also as ‘theoretical kitsch’ or as ‘kitschy philosophy’. It should be determined whether a reflected concept of ‘kitsch’ is possible and even necessary in today's world, which is often characterised by populism, polarisation and dramatisation.

Learning objectives

problem-oriented reading and debate

First additional field

mode of examination: presentation, moderation and oral exam

Next events

1/12 Lecture Tu, 04.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
2/12 Lecture Tu, 11.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
3/12 Lecture Tu, 18.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
4/12 Lecture Tu, 25.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
5/12 Lecture Tu, 04.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
6/12 Lecture Tu, 11.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
7/12 Lecture Tu, 18.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
8/12 Lecture Tu, 25.03.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
9/12 Lecture Tu, 01.04.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
10/12 Lecture Tu, 08.04.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
11/12 Lecture Tu, 29.04.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
12/12 Lecture Tu, 06.05.2025 10:00 Uhr 12:30 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
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Course details

Offer code 121203
Version 3 Version_6CP_FSPOabFall2016
Credits / ECTS 6
Frequence Every Springsemester


lecturer image
Dr. Joachim Landkammer
lecturer image
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Maren Lehmann