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Welcome to the public course catalog of Zeppelin University!

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Caution! At the moment only the course catalog for the spring termn 2025 ist displayed. Other semesters can be chosen via the filters but the course catalogs are incomplete. This is due to a change of the campus management system. Older course catalogs will be linked here as soon as possible. If you urgently need an older course description in the meantime, please contact

Addition | Design - Zusatz | Eventmanagement


This seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to event management, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities within an international context. The focus is on methods and tools for planning, organizing, and evaluating successful events. Special emphasis is placed on cultural management, enabling students to learn how to design and implement cultural events on a global scale. Using case studies, we will examine key aspects of international event management – particularly the organizational and logistical challenges involved in planning and implementing events across diverse cultural settings. The course aims to provide a practical understanding of the complexities and diversity in international event management.

Learning objectives

Provide foundational concepts and processes of event management, Deepen understanding in the area of cultural management and international events, Apply practical tools for planning and implementing events, from concept development and audience planning to budgeting and evaluation, Analyze and discuss case studies to develop creative and strategic solutions


Active and thorough participation in the entire seminar is a mandatory requirement for successfully completing the course. On 29.01.2025 from 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. I will be offering an (optional) information meeting for the block seminar. If you are interested, please register via email ( for the online information meeting.

Next events

1/2 Lecture Fr, 21.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 19:00 Uhr 2.08 | rot
2/2 Lecture Sa, 22.02.2025 10:00 Uhr 16:00 Uhr 2.08 | rot

Course details

Offer code Z | Event
Version 1 Erstversion A5_FS24
Credits / ECTS 3
Frequence Irregular offer


lecturer image
Michèle Brand