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Welcome to the public course catalog of Zeppelin University!

You can use the filters to sort courses by semester, lecturers or study programs ("Keyword"). You can also enter course titles or numbers in the text field ("Offer number/title").
Courses taught in English can be found by using the respective keyword. Language courses and Additions (so called "ZUsätze") can also be found via keywords.

Caution! At the moment only the course catalog for the spring termn 2025 ist displayed. Other semesters can be chosen via the filters but the course catalogs are incomplete. This is due to a change of the campus management system. Older course catalogs will be linked here as soon as possible. If you urgently need an older course description in the meantime, please contact

Tutorial | Controlling - Tutorium | Controlling

Next events

1/12 Tutorium We, 05.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
2/12 Tutorium We, 12.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
3/12 Tutorium We, 19.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
4/12 Tutorium We, 26.02.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
5/12 Tutorium We, 05.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
6/12 Tutorium We, 12.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
7/12 Tutorium We, 19.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
8/12 Tutorium We, 26.03.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
9/12 Tutorium We, 02.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
10/12 Tutorium We, 09.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
11/12 Tutorium We, 23.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
12/12 Tutorium We, 30.04.2025 13:30 Uhr 15:00 Uhr 2.05 | gelb
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Course details

Offer code Tut | 112051
Version 1 Erstversion A5 SS25
Frequence Every term


lecturer image
Titus Schweyer
lecturer image
Aljosha Fischl