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Welcome to the public course catalog of Zeppelin University!

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Caution! At the moment only the course catalog for the spring termn 2025 ist displayed. Other semesters can be chosen via the filters but the course catalogs are incomplete. This is due to a change of the campus management system. Older course catalogs will be linked here as soon as possible. If you urgently need an older course description in the meantime, please contact

1 - 50 of 8

Offer number Label Credits Exam type Course offer type Lecturer
Tut | 112041 Tutorial | Business Mathematics 3rd Semester - Tutorium | Wirtschaftsmathematik für 3. Semester 0 no examination type Tutorium Titus Schweyer
123241-44 | 3D Advanced Methods I Introduction to Computer-Based Text Analysis 3 Endterm Politics, Administration & International Relations Daniel Baumann
124032 Sustainability - Concept, Practice, Policies - Nachhaltigkeit - Konzepte, Praktiken, Politiken 6 Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Dr. Thomas Pieper
124024 Cities - Structures, Logics, Media - Städte – Strukturen, Logiken, Medien 6 Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Sander Frank
124073 Networks - Fields, Forms, Semantics - Netzwerke – Felder, Formen, Semantiken 6 Midterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker
124071 Social Inequality - Labor, Credit, Distinction - Soziale Ungleichheit – Arbeit, Kredit, Distinktion 6 Midterm + Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Franz Schultheis
124081 | 123113 Political Communication & the Public Sphere - Politische Kommunikation & Öffentlichkeit 6 Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Udo Göttlich
124082 | 123113 Strategic Political Communication - Strategien politischer Kommunikation 6 Midterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Karsten Fischer
124401 | 121403 Current Issues I - Ausgewählte Themen I : KI & Gesellschaft 6 Midterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Dirk Baecker
124402 Current Issues II : Migration, Integration & Cultural Diversity - Ausgewählte Themen II: Migration, Integration & Cultural Diversity 6 Midterm + Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Associate Professor Dr. Defne Erzene-Bürgin
114531 Advanced Seminar SPE I Sociology of Love and Capitalism / The Paradoxes of Capitalism and Emotions - SPE-Vertiefungsseminar I: - Sociology of Love and Capitalism / The Paradoxes of Capitalism and Emotions 9 Midterm + Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Eva Illouz
114532 Advanced Seminar SPE II | Extremism, Fanaticism, and Radicalization: Underlying Principles - SPE-Vertiefungsseminar II: Extremism, Fanaticism, and Radicalization: Underlying Principles 9 Midterm + Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Gabriele Oettingen
114092 Macroeconomics | SPE 6 Exam Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Jarko Fidrmuc
111101 Methods of Arts & Visual Studies - Methoden der Kunst- & Bildwissenschaft 6 Midterm + Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Dr. Philipp Kleinmichel
111102 Methods of Cultural & Media Studies | Understanding the Virtual - Methoden der Kultur- & Medienwissenschaft | Understanding the Virtual 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Jan Söffner
121272 Public Sphere & Public Communication - Öffentlichkeit & Öffentliche Kommunikation 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Dr. phil. Martin Herbers
121600 Post- and Decolonial Studies 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Jan Söffner
241130 Cultural Organization 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Jun. Prof. Dr. Meike Lettau
241129 Cultural Policy & Cultural Funding - Cultural Policy | Kulturpolitik und Kulturfinanzierung 6 Midterm + Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle
121201 Lecture Series: Current Issues in Arts and Culture - Ringvorlesung zu aktuellen kunst- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Themen 6 Exam Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Jan Söffner / Prof. Dr. Armen Avanessian
121291 Digitalization, Virtual Reality and AI | To live and learn with VR - Societal and pedagogical uses of Virtual Reality 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management M.A. Felix Krell / Prof. Dr Raphael Zender
121292 Media Culture - Medienkultur 6 Midterm + Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Judith Reinbold
121311 News Media Journalism - Praxis der Nachrichtenmedien 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Florian Muhle / Michael Scheyer
121203 Aesthetics & Art Theory - Ästhetik & Kunsttheorie 6 Midterm Communication, Culture & Management Dr. Joachim Landkammer / Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Maren Lehmann
121401 Issues in Cultural & Communication Studies 1 | Development of Immersive Media - Ausgewählte Themen der Kommunikations- & Kulturwissenschaften 1 | Entwicklung Immersiver Medien 6 Midterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr Raphael Zender
121402 Issues in Cultural & Communication Studies 2 | FilmTheoryPractice - Ausgewählte Themen der Kommunikations- & Kulturwissenschaften 2 6 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Armen Avanessian / Max Langfeldt / Nicolai Mehring
111531 Advanced Seminar CCM I VR/AR Learning: Immersive Educational Applications  - CCM-Vertiefungsseminar I VR/AR-Learning: Immersive Lernanwendungen 9 Midterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr Raphael Zender
111532 Advanced Seminar CCM | Ethical Challenges in the 21. Century - CCM-Vertiefungsseminar | Ethische Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert 9 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Armen Avanessian
123241-44 | 1B Advanced Methods | Agile methods in software development projects - Advanced Methods | Agile Methoden in Softwareentwicklungsprojekten 3 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr Raphael Zender
123241-44 | 1C Advanced Methods | Field research - Advanced Methods | Feldforschung 3 Midterm Communication, Culture & Management Jun. Prof. Dr. Meike Lettau
100015 Introduction to Academic Research - Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen 1 Class Participation Student Research Heike Schiele / Niklas Ullrich
123112 | 114082 Political Philosophy - Politische Philosophie 6 Midterm + Endterm Politics, Administration & International Relations Prof.Dr. Joachim Behnke
113071 | 114081 Comparative Politics - Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 6 Endterm Politics, Administration & International Relations Prof. Christian Adam
114161 | 113122 Applied Data Analysis - Angewandte Datenanalyse 6 Midterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Prof. Dr. Martin Elff
112072 Marketing 6 Midterm + Endterm Corporate Management & Economics M.A. Sascha Schmidt
Z | Glob. Sys. Mod. Addition | Global System Models - Zusatz | Global System Models 2.5 Addition Dr. Peer Ederer
242141 Sustainable Transport Policy 6 Midterm Corporate Management & Economics Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander Eisenkopf
123241-44 | 2G Advanced Methods | Studying the Digital Transformation of Workplaces 3 Midterm Corporate Management & Economics Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß
Z | Event Addition | Design - Zusatz | Eventmanagement 3 Class Participation Addition Michèle Brand
121242 Psychological Aspects of Communication: Motivation Emotion Action - Psychologie: Emotion, Motivation, Handeln 6 Exam Communication, Culture & Management Prof. Dr. Anja Achtziger
Tut | Mathe Tutorial | Math 1st + 2nd semester - Tutorium | Mathematik 1. + 2. Semester 0 no examination type Tutorium Georgia-Philippa Gräfin von Schwerin von Schwanenfeld
Z | Dt. SiPo Addition | Caught between idealism and realism? Germany's security policy in the context of the ‘turning point’ in history - Zusatz | Gefangen zwischen Idealismus und Realismus? Deutschlands Sicherheitspolitik im Kontext der "Zeitenwende" 1 Class Participation Addition Ingmar Zielke
110011 Workshop | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship B 2 Class Participation Corporate Management & Economics M.Sc. Clemens Krüger
100091 Polity, Politics & Policy A 6 Midterm Politics, Administration & International Relations Prof. Christian Adam
241152 Student Arts & Culture Projects 2: Project Coaching & Realization - Studentische Kunst- & Kulturprojekte 2: Projektcoaching & Durchführung 11 Endterm Communication, Culture & Management Dr. Joachim Landkammer / Rahel Spöhrer
Tut | 112052 Tutorial | Corporate Finance - Tutorium | Corporate Finance 0 no examination type Tutorium Rayan Ayari
Tut | 112051 Tutorial | Controlling - Tutorium | Controlling 0 no examination type Tutorium Titus Schweyer / Aljosha Fischl
Tut | 112045 Tutorial | Data Science - Tutorium | Data Science 0 no examination type Tutorium Jun. Prof. Dr. Rouven Haschka
123241-44 | 4C Advanced Methods | Organizational Research Methods - Advanced Methods | Forschung in Organisationen 3 Midterm + Endterm Sociology, Politics & Economics Niklas Ullrich
4000246 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods Workshop 4 Endterm ZUGS | Graduate School Prof. Dr. Jana Costas
8 results